
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

HTML and CSS Personal Page


  1. Tell me about it
  2. Finish Taking notes on video
  3. Give credit for video notes
  4. FINISH HTML webpage
TELL ME ABOUT IT: (10 min)
Use your video notes to answer the following questions. What are two things you need to watch out for when writting IDs in CSS? Where does the LINK element go, in your HTML Code?

CLASSWORK: Continue working on your HTML personal page. The leaders will continue helping you. By the end of the class you need to have the following done.
  1. One Button made. (you do not need two)
  2. Strengths and Weaknesses List
  3. A List of 3 of your favorite sites
  4. Three DIVISIONS in your html. Use the DIV tag to divide your html page into 3 parts.
  5. Assign Classes to your DIV elements. Remember this is in your HTML code.
  6. A LINK element in your HTML code with a path to a css document named "personalpage.css"
YEAHHHHH LETS GET IT DONE!!! Leaders THANKS for helping out.

Go to and create your own blog. Start customizing your blog. We will use blogs later in order to help your group and to practice more with CSS.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008



  1. Tell me about it
  2. HTML webpage
TELL ME ABOUT IT: (30 min)

Start working on your personal web page. I will check your progress in about 30 minutes. You need to have at least your leader paragraph done and the Header created in html. You will get class credit (20 pts). OUR GOAL IS TO finish this project by Thursday February 28th.


DIAZ, EDGARDO, JEBUSS, JOCELYN, TAPIA, NYA, AND JOSSELYN are not required to do it. However i will need your help making sure everyone gets the HTML structure right, the paragraph inside paragraph tags, and the html code with no mistakes. NO MISTAKES. I will assign you the people that you will be helping.

  1. Create a Personal HTML Webpage. We will complete webpages in class today. Download the instructions.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Review CSS Websites and CSS Videos


  1. Tell me about it
  2. Review Websites
  3. CSS Videos
  4. HTML webpage
TELL ME ABOUT IT: (10 min)

What was the hardest part of COMPLETING THE PROJECT? What is it that you still do not understand about CSS? What part of CSS would you like me to go over?

  1. Present BEST websites and Discuss them.
  2. Take notes on CSS Videos.
  3. Create a Personal HTML Webpage. Depending on time, we will complete webpages in class today. Download the instructions.
PROPS: To Diaz, Nya, Jebuzz, Giovan, Gustavo, and Jocelyn for having great websites and amazing CSS Syntax. These are the individuals who will be my helpers on the Personal HTML Webpage project. These individuals will be exempt from doing the next project. If they choose to do it, they will get extra credit.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Continue Oscar Website Project, Day 2


  1. Tell me about it
  2. Review Web Project
  3. Review DIV
  4. Review ID
  5. Complete one DIV on your project
TELL ME ABOUT IT: (10 min)

Explain to me what DIV tags are. Where do they go first, in the CSS or HTML? How do you use them in CSS? Give me an example of a DIV tag use in HTML and how you translate it to CSS.

  1. Discuss website project.
  2. Go over DIV tags and ID.
  3. Answer question about website.
  4. Start working oscar website project .
  5. You need to complete at least on DIV section in order to get credit for todays class.
  6. The project is due Tuesday February 19, 2008 at 9:30 am.
This project is a lot of work. DO NOT LEAVE THIS PROJECT FOR THE NIGHT BEFORE!!! Start working on it now.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Continue Oscar Website project


  1. Tell me about it
  2. Review Web Project
  3. Complete HTML skeleton
TELL ME ABOUT IT: (10 min)

Copy the HTML code from "oscar webpage" into a new notepad document. Delete all the attributes from the HTML page, except for the attributes on the tables. We will deal with tables later. You should have two html files for "oscar webpage", one for the home page and one for the leader page. YOU DONT HAVE TO RECODE THE PAGE.

  1. Discuss website project.
  2. Start working oscar website project .
  3. The project is due Thursday February 14, 2008 at 9:30 am.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Test and Images


  1. Tell me about it
  2. Take Test
  3. In Class Practice for Images.
TELL ME ABOUT IT: (10 min)

Take 10 minutes to go over your notes with your peers. Make sure you use your time wisely in order for you to do good in your test. The test will Start Exactly at 8:15 am. Have a pen or pencil out. REMEMBER NO TALKING.

  1. If you are done early, go to W3C Schools and start practicing linking images.
  2. Open your webpage name mydivclass.html and add a background that repeats vertically.
  3. Make sure you are paying attention to the CSS syntax on how to manipulate images.

Apple Doubles iPhone


Start working on todays article.
  1. Click on the iPhone Article and start reading it.
  2. Download the iPhone questions, copy the questions into a new word document, save the questions as "iPhone", answer the questions, and email them to me as an attachment. PLEASE TYPE YOUR ANSWERS IN BLUE.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Comments, Div, Class Selector


  1. Tell me about it
  2. Go over Comments,Div, and Class selector
  3. In Class Practice.
TELL ME ABOUT IT: (10 min)

Please describe to me in detail the steps of adding a hover link to CSS. Explain what you have to do in HTML first and what you have to do in CSS document. Explain the link tag and its attributes (rel ? type? and href?).

  1. After you are done with Tell Me About It, take out a sheet of paper to take notes on.
  2. Open a new notepad document and name it "mydivclass.html".

Friday, February 1, 2008


  1. Tell me about it
  2. Turn in SQ3R notes
  3. Creating a hover link in CSS.
  1. Please email me three suggestions of what you would like your next project should be. Think in terms of educational, something that can help the school, community members, other classes, or children. Maybe there is a project you are doing for another class and we can include it as a part of our class. PLEASE REALLY THINK ABOUT IT!! this is your chance to express yourself and learn.
Go over CSS: Review syntax, hover code, and Class selector.

Activity #1:
Lets go over this web page. Save the html file as "link.html" and the CSS file as "link.css." Change header 1 to your name. Change the link to Customize the colors of the webpage to colors of your choice.