
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

HTML and CSS Personal Page


  1. Tell me about it
  2. Finish Taking notes on video
  3. Give credit for video notes
  4. FINISH HTML webpage
TELL ME ABOUT IT: (10 min)
Use your video notes to answer the following questions. What are two things you need to watch out for when writting IDs in CSS? Where does the LINK element go, in your HTML Code?

CLASSWORK: Continue working on your HTML personal page. The leaders will continue helping you. By the end of the class you need to have the following done.
  1. One Button made. (you do not need two)
  2. Strengths and Weaknesses List
  3. A List of 3 of your favorite sites
  4. Three DIVISIONS in your html. Use the DIV tag to divide your html page into 3 parts.
  5. Assign Classes to your DIV elements. Remember this is in your HTML code.
  6. A LINK element in your HTML code with a path to a css document named "personalpage.css"
YEAHHHHH LETS GET IT DONE!!! Leaders THANKS for helping out.

Go to and create your own blog. Start customizing your blog. We will use blogs later in order to help your group and to practice more with CSS.

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