
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Continue Oscar Website Project, Day 2


  1. Tell me about it
  2. Review Web Project
  3. Review DIV
  4. Review ID
  5. Complete one DIV on your project
TELL ME ABOUT IT: (10 min)

Explain to me what DIV tags are. Where do they go first, in the CSS or HTML? How do you use them in CSS? Give me an example of a DIV tag use in HTML and how you translate it to CSS.

  1. Discuss website project.
  2. Go over DIV tags and ID.
  3. Answer question about website.
  4. Start working oscar website project .
  5. You need to complete at least on DIV section in order to get credit for todays class.
  6. The project is due Tuesday February 19, 2008 at 9:30 am.
This project is a lot of work. DO NOT LEAVE THIS PROJECT FOR THE NIGHT BEFORE!!! Start working on it now.