
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Styling your page with CSS


  1. Tell me about it
  2. Go over requirements for personal page
  3. Start styling in CSS
  4. FINISH Styling CSS
TELL ME ABOUT IT: (10 min)
How do you link a css page to your html page? Where do you put the LINK element? How do you save a CSS page?

CLASSWORK: Continue working on your HTML personal page. The leaders will continue helping you. Today you are to finish styling your personal page using CSS. By the end of the class you need to have the following done in CSS.

1. A separate CSS document named "personalpage.css".
2. Three different background colors on each of the DIV.
3. Each DIV needs to have a different class name.
4. All links need to be able to be hoover with different colors.
5. A background image that repeats vertically on the left hand side of the page.
6. Your list of Strengths need to have their own unique color and style of font.
7. All content needs to be centered.

Leaders: Keep helping your group and .....
1. Create a Banner for your Blog using fireworks. It would be cool if you can animate it.
2. Add your banner to your blog.
3. Blog about the following by creating a new post: What do you think is the hardest about learning css? Find 3 pages that give you tutorials about CSS and blog about them on your blog. Give me details about what the page contains and what you have learn on that page.
4. After you are done with your blog, put together a small power point presentation on Descendant Selectors,Floats, Margins, and on how to position a background image. Make sure you know how to explain them , you might have to present to the class with another leader.

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