
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Shape Tween and Button Continues!!

GENDA 5/15/08: Read the blog to find out what you need to do in class.

  • Tell me about it
  • Text Tween and Button project (30 minutes).
  • Finish Button tutorial
  • Go over Scene and Symbols Animation
  • Gradient
  • Timeline Effects
TELL ME ABOUT IT: Make sure you answer in complete sentences.(15 min)
  • Publish the motion tween (put it on the server) you created yesterday. This is the one you were suppose to do for the first activity during class.
  • Define the following terms. Tell me what they do and their differences. Key Frame, Blank Key Frame, Unpopulated Frames, Frames in white, and Frames in Gray area. Do activity 1 and 2 after you are done with the tell me about it.
CLASSWORK: I will grade the projects based on completion and creativity.
  1. Create a shape tween using text. Your movie must be at 20fps. Put a stop action on the 20th frame. After you are done with the text tween, start doing activity two.
  2. Do the following tutorial Creating A Flash Button. Put the button on frame 20 of the above project. You will have 30 minutes to create both projects. You have that amount of time in order for you to practice and be creative with your project. The more creative the project is, the more pts. you will receive. Do not waste time, i will not extend the timeline. The project needs to be on the server by 1:15pm today. Save your project, name it Txt_tween and put it on the server.
  3. Add a replay action script to a button.
  4. Shape Hinting
  5. Go over scenes vs. symbols
  6. Gradient Tools and Controlling gradients.
  7. Onion Skinning
  8. "Idleness" is your GRADES kryptonite.