
Monday, January 21, 2008

CSS DIV Element

Today we will present your web pages!!! You thought i had forgotten!!


  1. Tell me about it
  2. Present Web pages
  3. Show CSS sample pages
  4. Vocab Wars
  5. DIV Element
  6. Work on first CSS page
  1. Change the first header in your HTML document called "firstcss.htm" and write your name on it. Change the color of your name on the .css document, give it a color other than black. Add a different "id" to your first paragraph and color that paragraph with a color of your choice. Once you are done email it to me.
RESOURCES: You may use the following resources as a reference to CSS.
  1. CSS Cheat Sheet
  2. Webmonkey CSS
  3. W3C Reference sheet

  1. Present Web pages: Explain how you created your page, how did you divide the sections, where did you use tables, and show the links that will help you with your classes.
  2. 10 minutes to review vocabulary below. VOCAB WARS!!!! 10 pts to winning team.
  3. Show sample web pages that use CSS.
  4. Go over DIV and Class element

VOCABULARY WORDS: You will need to know the meaning of the following words.

  1. CSS
  2. Style Sheet
  3. Syntax
  4. Case Sensitive
  5. Elements
  6. External Style Sheet
  7. Link Element
  8. Attributes
  9. ID Selector
  10. CSS Rule
  11. Value
  12. Property
  13. Declaration
  14. Declaration Block
  15. Selector
  16. DIV Element
  17. CLASS element
  18. LINK tag
  19. href

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