
Thursday, October 11, 2007


Today we will learn design elements. Before we can start doing any web design, we need to know a little about DESIGN.

Find the definitions for the following words using google. Type the words and definitions in a word document. Print them out and keep them, learn them over the weekend. Once you are done, start studying all the Vocabulary Words.

  1. Design
  2. High Contrast (think about how it is use in design) use this website
  3. Audience
  4. Proximity ( how is it use in design)
  5. Alignment ( how is it use in design) go to this website
  6. Repetition ( how can it be use in design)
  7. Format
  8. Layout
  9. Project Management

AFTER YOU ARE DONE WITH VOCABULARY WORDS download the following document.

Design Elements Practice

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