To create a sketch and outline of your home page. You will use the sketch and outline to guide you through the creation of your personal website.
- Tell me about it
- Read personal website assignment (due 11/08/07)
- Create a sketch of personal website
- Create an outline of personal website
- Create buttons for personal website
- Start working on personal website
TELL ME ABOUT IT: (10 minutes)
- Write a paragraph of why it is important to create a sketch and outline before you start creating a website and email it to me.
- Download the following document Personal Website Assignment. Save it in your flash drive as "personalwebsiteassignment"
- create a sketch for your home page. You will turn it in to the sub, if you want to keep a copy, make sure you make a second one. I want a very detailed sketch, tell me the colors your plan to use, the images, etc... The more detail it is, the better of a website you can create. (30 minutes)
- Create a outline for your website. Remember the activity we did in class, create the outline of the html code. (20 minutes )
- Create two buttons for your website "home" and "college". You can go to to create one or you can create one using fireworks. ( 20 minutes )
- After you are done creating the buttons you can start coding your "home" page. (20 minutes)