
Thursday, September 9, 2010

LATTC Fall Syllabus

Los Angeles Trade-Technical College
Syllabus for Basic Skills 046CE
Winter 2011

Section#: 8780 Classroom: K-304
Course Dates & Times: 1/6/10 - 2/3/10; Thursdays
12pm – 1:35pm;

Instructor: Oscar Menjivar
Twitter: @menjivar
aim: damenjivar
Email address:

Course Description:
This course is designed to provide a critical orientation to the use of Microsoft products in order to prepare students to become a life-long learner. The topics learned and discussed throughout this class provide the foundational knowledge pertinent for success in college and life. Our course is design to force us to think about Microsoft in a creative way. This course is meant to be a hard fun learning course.

Student Learning Outcomes:
• Demonstrate effective use of the Microsoft platform
• Comprehend how industries use Microsoft products
• Understand and show knowledge of introductory Microsoft concepts
• Apply knowledge of applications to every day life situations
• Compare and Contrast cloud computing with Microsoft products
Student Goals:
Please inform us of your immediate educational goals (select applicable goals from list below) so we can assist you achieving them:
• In 140 characters describe what you are looking forward to learning in our class.
• List three goals you would like to accomplish in our class.

There are no official prerequisites for this class, however students are strongly recommended to take the TABE locator test so you can start at the appropriate level needed to strengthen your reading, writing and math skills OR have been recommended to advance to this level by your instructors from Basic Skills 002CE and Basic Skills 035CE.
After attending at least one week of class and doing the assignments you feel this class is either too easy or too difficult for you, please discuss your concerns with the instructors immediately. We want you to be in the appropriate class that focuses on the skills and topics you need and want to learn. We don’t want to hold you back from advancing to a higher level if you demonstrate you’re ready. If you feel you already know the content of this course, you may request of your instructors to create a more challenging path, be ready to demonstrate your readiness to advance to the next level courses. Your instructor can discuss your options as well as provide you with appropriate referrals. The Bridges to Success Center in ST-316 and the Dr. Allison Tom-Miura in F-212E can also assist you as needed.

1. virtual tutorials to be provided by instructor
Evaluation Criteria:
To successfully complete this course and be recommended for the next level of noncredit classes, students must:
• attend 75% of the classes and maintain good communication with instructor regarding absences. = 3 classes. If you dont attend 3 classes you will not get Credit
• earn a minimum of 70% on all their assignments.
• submit a final Microsoft project
• maintain an average of 70% contribution in class discussions

Required Materials:
• Access to computer
• Microsoft Office 2000 or higher
• Projects
• Internet Access
• Creativity

My Rules:
• Don’t Be evil
• Help your neighbor
• Think outside the box
• Think “Its not hard, just a lot of work”
• Respect

Rules of Conduct:
As participants in this class, students will:
• come to every class. If, however, a student does miss class, he/she is responsible for discussing makeup work with the instructor. Excused Absences (EA) will be given to students who inform the instructor in advance about a class they will have to miss for a legitimate reason (e.g. court date, doctor’s appointment).
• arrive on time! Class begins promptly at 9:am; students that arrive past 12:00 will sit in the tardy seat.
• return from breaks at the established time.
• politely and actively participate. This includes respecting your peers and your instructor.
• not bring in food and/or drinks other than water.

Students with Special Needs:
Students with disabilities who need any assistance or accommodations should contact the instructor ASAP. The DSPS office is available to assist with accommodating disabled students. They are located in E-110 and may be reached at (213) 763-3733. It is the student’s responsibility to register with the DSPS office to ensure you receive needed services.

Academic Resources:
You are STRONGLY encouraged to utilize the Student Success Centers focusing on writing, reading and general tutoring skills (math). These centers provide free services that supplement class instruction and are located on the first floor of the C building. To receive free math tutoring from the Tutoring Center, students must have a signed referral from your Mr. Bautista (he has the forms). The writing and reading centers also have free workshops that can help you strengthen your skills in a particular area. Please share with us your experiences in the workshops and services so we can better track your progress and consider your extra work in your evaluation. It has been our experience that those students who use these services have expedited their learning and increased their skills!

If you are interested in using a free supplementary online computer program to strengthen your English reading, writing and math skills, please register and attend a Basic Skills 051CE class to learn about and access this program.
Academic Integrity:
Academic dishonesty of any type, such as cheating or knowingly furnishing false information, by a student provides grounds for disciplinary action by the instructor or college. In written work, no material may be copied from another without proper quotation marks, footnotes, or appropriate documentation. For more information on the Standards of Student Conduct refer to the college catalog available in hardcopy and online at

Important Dates
EVERY DAY!!! You never know what you will miss!

Class Topics and Assignments (subject to change)
Week 1 : Attendance
• Introduction/Overview of Class
• Who are you Exercise!
Microsoft project

Week 2
• Comparing and Contrasting Platforms
• Operating Systems
• The Desk Top
• Paint

Week 3
• The Discovery Project
• 1st Presentation

Week 4
• Windows
• Navigation
• Short Cuts!
• Show and Tell Project

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What substance help us stick together? #malt13

The candy nerds are compose of different flavors and colors! However, in a nerd rope a liquerish substance hold them all together. As cadre camp members for malt13 we act as individual nerds with different flavors an colors, therefore the question i am asking myself is what will hold us together?
I cant seem to tell what the special substance will be yet, however i did notice that outside the classroom, during lunch we had more fun than inside the classroom. I was able to learn new technology and philosophy from my peers unique experiences. I am concluding that our unique experiences, passions, and laughs will hold us together through a long year! Its only through us taking a leap of faith on others will we be able to learn from those around us. Hope we keep laughing and learning outside the classroom together.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Poster Assigmnet

Tell me about it: have you thought about what club you will do a poster for? If so
,which one and why? If not, list 3 clubs you find interesting and tell me why!


1. Needs to convey a message through the design
2. Needs to include a slogan
3. Needs to include at least 2 images
4. Needs to show unity through lines
5. Name of club written in a creative way
6. Have at least three color scheme
7. Interesting and Original
8. Size needs to be 8 1/2 by 11inches
9. I will need PSD files and Jpeg!
10. Need to keep the following design elements: contrast, Unity, Balance, simplicity , Emphasis , Color

You may also create a poster for and submit your poster to the website. If you do create one for altoarizona you will be guaranteed at least a B if you meet the requirements above. Here is an example of a good poster.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Tell me about it: go on Twitter and look at APBgryphons account. Select a poster you like and take a look at the tutorial. If there is something you don't understand, please email me the question.

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Contrast, Unity, and Color!

Tell me about it: In design what do we mean by contrast? Give me an example of how we can apply contrast to designing a poster. What does Symmetry and Asymmetry mean? how can we use symmetry when designing a poster? take 20 minutes to do some research and email me your answers. Make sure to write in your own words!


1. Power Point Presentation on Design Principles #2 : Make sure to take really good notes! This will also be on your final! (20 min)

2. Find an image, advertisement, or poster online that gives a good and bad example of the following principles. Contrast, Color, Line. Put your examples on a power point presentation and upload them to google docs. (20 min)

3. Analyze and Discuss images with classmates. You might be called upon to discuss the images you chose. Make sure you know why you choose the images in activity 2.

4. Why do you think the following is a good example of a great poster? If you think is not, you will get extra points, make sure you back up your argument by using design principles.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Banner and Tutorial

Tell me about it: did you find a tutorial? If so what was the hardest part to understand? Email me the link to the tutorial and your answer to the second question.


1. Work on banner, it is due today. If you have questions please come see me!

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Images and Photoshop

Tell me about it: What is a .BMP , .JPG , .PSD and .GIF ? please make sure you compare and contrast each of the previous extensions. Tell me what are the difference between them and find one example for each. Email me everything. (15 min)


1. Why is it important to save images as .PSD ?

2. Take sq3r Notes on the following site: Graphic Design Principles
Write them on a word document. Do not copy and paste, use your own words.

3. Lets Go over Alignment and Proximity together. The following is a lesson from Jeff Taylor.

Lesson 1 Proximity and Alignment

See more presentations by bsndev | Upload your own PowerPoint presentations

4. Find the following on the web and save them to your USB.
a. A bad example of proximity
b. A good example of proximity
c. A bad example of alignment
d. A good example of proximity.

5. Find a tutorial on how to create a banner. Follow your tutorial to create a banner that contains our school name, mascot, and a picture of students. Make sure you use proximity and alignment when designing your banner. ( example )

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Intro to photoshop part 2

Tell me about it: What is the pen tool in photoshop? please describe it and tell me what it is best use for. email me your answer, in the subject area make sure you write "Pen Tool" . (10 min)


1. Take a screen shot of the tool bar in photoshop and using paint label the first 10 tools. on a word document write out what each tool does. ( 20 min )

2. Lets go over the basic in photoshop (15 min)

3. The lasso tool! extract two different balloons from the following image (click here) and insert them on this image (click here) . Make sure you take your time and that it looks nice. I want to be convince that the balloons belong in the picture that has the watts tower. Make sure that you write your name on the top right corner of the Watts Tower Picture. HAVE FUN!! (30 min)

Friday, April 30, 2010

"Learn To Learn" group project report!

WARNING: Read Every Word! Take your time and if you cant remember everything, Take Notes!

Power Point Group Report:

How Will I grade? : 1. Professionalism. 2. No bad Grammar or Misspelled Words! 3. Attractive Presentation 4. Participation of Everyone 5. Public Speaking Skils 6. Well Organized 7. Final Results of project!

What Needs to be on the Presentation? :

1. What did you do? ( explain what you and your group did to finish the project )

2. what skills have you personally learned from the project? ( social, technical, critical thinking, or/and independence? )

3. What skills did you learn as a collective group?
4. What could you have done different to benefit more from the project?
5. What recommendations do you have to improve the project if we were to do it again?
6. What did you enjoy and disliked about the project?
7. What did you find difficult? What problems did you encounter and how did you solve them?
8. How could you have learned more on your own?

9. What really worked? ( write about any part that you and your group thought worked well)

10. Show results of your final product. Images, Blog example, Website, Video, Survey, or any documentation that you gather through out the process. I want to know what did you create?

11. Make sure you tell me who did what through out the process!

12. Grade your group group: A, B, C, D, F! always explain why you are giving such a grade. Make sure you have examples to back up your arguments.

13. Your presentation should be at least 15 Slides!

14. Divide assignment among team members and than organize it together. Once you are finish uploaded to Google Docs.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tips for Success

Tell me about it: what are your personal tips for success? If you don't know of any, do a little research. Email me your answer in a paragraph format. Yes a paragraph!

1. Go on you tube and look up a video on how to dress for success, interview, or business. On a piece of paper write a one page summary. This will be your exit slip!

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Write Resume! Group Report on Project

Tell Me About It: Use the first 15 minutes of class to write an objective for your resume. here are some guidelines and help, Objectives:


1. Lets go over Work Experience and Activities

2. Start writing you resume: Our goal is to finish the first draft today! I will be checking the resume at the end of class.

3. Resources: Look at sample resume and Also at the samples i have provided you.

4. Group Report on Project! Very important that you are finish by next week. If you have any problems you should be talking to me about it during lunch.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Photoshop and Resume

Tell me about it: Type both of your homework into a google doc and share it with me.

2. Conversation on Resume writing: We will go over school activities. On a google doc create a list of all the activities you have done in your schooling career thus far. Once you are done share it with me.

3. Search for a site that gives us tips on how to create a resume. Maybe the sites has templates, maybe it has tips on how to write a resume, maybe it has ideas on what to write on a resume. Make sure the sites are specifically for High School Students. Once you find a site, copy and paste the link into the comments section of this blog post. THE CHALLENGE, the website cant be one that someone else has already posted up. So be fast in your search.

4. Lets go over the project: I need a report from each group!

5. Intro to Photoshop!! I hope this works! if not, ahhh!

H.W :
a. Look for job online that you would like to apply for and bring the description to class.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Intro To Photoshop and Resume Writing:

Tell me about it: Tweet your advice on how to create a good resume, if you disagree with someone on twitter please respond to them. This activity will count for 20pts. If you dont follow people in class, start now! :-)


1. On a piece of paper take notes about writing a Functional Resume. Make sure you have at least 3 questions about writing a resume. I will collect them at the end of class.

Conversation on Resume writing: We will go over school activities. On a google doc create a list of all the activities you have done in your schooling career thus far. Once you are done share it with me.

3. Search for a site that gives us tips on how to create a resume. Maybe the sites has templates, maybe it has tips on how to write a resume, maybe it has ideas on what to write on a resume. Make sure the sites are specifically for High School Students. Once you find a site, copy and paste the link into the comments section of this blog post. THE CHALLENGE, the website cant be one that someone else has already posted up. So be fast in your search.

4. Lets go over the project: I need a report from each group!

5. Intro to Photoshop!! I hope this works! if not, ahhh!

1. Create a template for your resume. Make sure you have one in class by Tuesday.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Welcome Back!

Tell me about it: tweet about your vacation. Your favorite memory.

1. Look up the video on resume that I tweeted over the break. View it and write a summary using a word document. Email it to me as an attachment.

2. Google Portable Photoshop. Download the software to your USB. If you don't have a USB, you are out of luck. Make sure you get it done.

3. Using your portable Photoshop create a picture into a sketch image. If you don't know how to make a sketch, look for a tutorial online and try your best. Tweet me your image at the end!

4. Look for a sample resume online. Read it and email me a list of action verbs you found on the resume.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Presentations 2

Tell me about it: Would you please go vote at . Than tweet about what you expect to do over spring break.

1. Have your group email me your Peer Presentation. Subject line should say " Name of your group/Peer Presentation"

2.Get ready for peer presentations.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010


It is very important that after every event, task, or work that you we do as people, we analyze the situation from an outside perspective. The following exercise is meant to help you and me think about our current project "Learn to Learn". I hope that your reflection can also help you discover skills that you thought you never had, and maybe one day write them on a resume.

On a word document, write a report and answer the following:
1. what skills have you personally learned from the project so far?
3. What could you have done different to benefit the most out of the project?
3. What changes would you make to the project an how would you improve it?
4. What did you enjoy and disliked about the project?
5, What did you find difficult? What problems did you encounter and how did you solve them?
6. How could you have learned more on your own?
7. What really worked?

Skills for engineers:

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Finishing Strong

Tell me about it: Are your ready for your peer presentation? If so what are you presenting on? If not why not, what do you still need to do?

1. Peer Presentations

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Friday, March 19, 2010


TMAI: Using Twitter please let me know what you plan to complete today. Email your peer presentation progress. Thanks!

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A reflection!

Tell me about it: through email send me a detail report of your project. What have you done so far as an individual and what you still need to work on.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Software Tutorials & Peer Presentation

Tell me about it: I need a report from each of your group member on what they have accomplish so far. Since i am not there, i will need Tangible items. Many of you have not turn in any tangible items at all. I will be grading everything that you have turn in and your group will get a zero if you dont have any tangible items. If you have any questions, tweet them, email them, or gtalk them to me. However dont ask silly questions like "What should i do?", when there are only 5 minutes left in class!

TODAY EVERYONE SHOULD BE WORKING ON COMPLETING AT LEAST 3 DELIVERABLES FROM EACH GROUP! if your group doesnt have 3 OG deliverables you will not receive a grade for this week work. There are four of you in each group! EVERYONE SHOULD WORK ON a Tangible item.

Class Activities:

a. Tutorial By the end of class today i will need two orginal tutorials from you. I have only receive tutorials from the following people.
1. cynthia diaz grop
2. Marco Soliz Group
3. Cruz group
4. Janet Santos
For the people above, please have someone else revise your tutorial. Make sure there are no mistakes. To see an example of a good tutorial click here.


A. Explain each step thoroughly. A reader should be able to do it without asking you any question.

B. Screen Shots of every Step

C. each step should be numbered

D. Professional

b. You will also need a peer presentation about your software. The presentation needs to include an activity or project that your peers will create. You will need to teach your software to your peers, therefore you need to create a PPT presentation about your software. If you do not have access to the software, you need to contact me prior to class, to solve the problem, dont wait until the last minute. The best way to get in contact with me, if you need immediate help, is through GTALK, be proactive and don't wait until materials are due.

c. If you are doing nothing, you are NOT helping your group! you can always move on to something new that will be essential to your project. You can also perfect your project so you can get an A, you know what i expect, HIGH QUALITY WORK! you have more than enough time, specially when im not there, Why? because you are not listening to me talk for too long. AGAIN IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ASK NOW!! I MEAN NOW ON GTALK OR TWITTER.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Twitter Log, Jing, Tutorials, Timeline

Tell me about it: What is jing and how can you get a hold of it? What can you use it for and do you think your group will use it?

Class Activities:

a. Twitter (individual activity): We will use twitter as a work log for this project. In another words you will keep a journal of your progress on your project. Everyday i will need 3 status updates from you. 1. Tell me what you will work on. 2. Tell me what your progress has been 3. What you accomplish by the end of class. I will measure you progress base on the log that you post on twitter.

b. Your group will need to find
two tutorials on how to use the software that you have chosen. Write a summary on the tutorials you have found and email it to me. Make sure your group name and the name of the creator is on the subject area of your email.

Create a survey for your Beta Test. If you are not doing a survey, create a tutorial for the software you will be using in your Beta Test.

d. With your group develop a
Timeline for your project: All deliverables are due by Friday April 2, 2010. Create your time-line according to your needs. Every week i will expect one deliverable to be done.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Timeline, Twitter and memo

Tell me about it: What is a MOU and why do business use it?

1. Finish, detailed deliverables (20min)

2. Create MOU, print and sign

3. Review Twitter and Log expectations.

4. Timeline

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Timeline Deliverables

Tell me about it: what do people in business mean by deliverables?


1. Discuss deliverables
2. Discuss Timeline
3. Twitter log

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Project Presentations

You have 20 minutes to prepare for your presentation.

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Finish Logo and Presentations

Tell me about it: What did you think about the super bowl? I am glad the Saints won! Sorry Marco! thats just life!

Class Activities:
1. Software Research:
a. Thesis or Executive Summary
b. Research the Who, What, Why, How of the software.
c. Compare and Contrast more than one software for any given probelm. (i.e if you choose yahoo, why did you not choose gmail? ) I will explain more in class.
****note**** you will not have time to finish on thursday! dont forget the 10-20-30 rule!
2. Finish designing logo; final logo is due today by the end of class.
3. Create a to do list on a google doc. Assign task to each of your team members. Share doc with me.
4. PPT is due Thursday!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Software and Requirements

Tell me about it: How can you divide the work with your group members?

Class Activities:
1. Discuss Software with your group ( What is the problem?)
2. Time to design logo
3. Requirements for Tuesday Presentation
4. PPT time

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tell me about it: what was the best lesson you learned from our speaker yesterday?

1. Discuss software!

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Software Engineer and Logo Concept

Tell me about it: What was the most difficult part of developing the logo for your group? How do you personally believe your group should brand itself?

Class Activities:
1. Discuss group branding
2. Book Discussion
3. Presentations on Logo Concept
4. Nick G.

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Software and Logos

Tell me about it: .What is branding and why is it important to a company? email me your answers!

Class Activities:
  1. Finish Presentations
  2. Class discussion on HW!
  3. Logo Creation: BRANDING
  4. What is software ? What can we use in school? Is there any software we can use to solve a problem our school/community has?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Logo , Quiz, and Presentations

Tell me about it: .What impressed you the most about the google guys in pages 19-31?

Class Activities:
  1. Finish Presentations
  2. Logo Discussion
  3. Logo Design
  4. Software Discussion

Friday, January 22, 2010

Group Names and Presentation

Tell me about it: .With your group members discuss a unique quality about you and them. This is your chance to get to know each other. Think about something that represents you and who you are!

Class Activities:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Presentation and New Groups

Tell me about it: If you had no obstacles and you can choose any career, what would it be? Think hard, think about something you would love to do for the rest of your life. Be ready to discuss in class.

Class Activities:

  1. Class structure will change for our class. Lets talk about the new direction in the new curriculum. The goal is to give you an opportunity to take education into your own hands. You have the power to decide what you want to learn. Write your name on a little piece of paper and pass it forward!
  2. Groups: We will create groups of four. You will be responsible for each other work and success. Time to really work with each other. Disclaimer: I reserve the right to move you to another group if i see it fit (sorry, it comes with the position).
  3. Read the "Google book" pages 19-31! ( Write a summary on key events that stood out for you on the Who, What, Where, and Why of the story). I am requiring for you to have at least 4 different key events that summarize key points in the story. Type out your events on a word document and email it to me as an attachment.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Animation and Story Boarding

Tell me about it: Using power Point create an animation of a basketball player shooting a ball into a basketball ring. Once you are done upload your animation into google docs and share it with me.

Class Activities:

  1. Discuss Stories
  2. Revise and Rewrite Stories
  3. Discuss Story Boarding
  4. Start Story Boarding

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Animation 101

Tell me about it: Google how to make an animation on Power Point and Get ready to discuss with class. After you google it, email me the instructions.

Class Activities:

  1. Crating an animation

Monday, January 4, 2010

Story Telling and Lessons from last semester!

Tell me about it: Go on twitter and tweet about the biggest lesson you learned in our class last semester. ( we will use it for class discussion )

Class Activities:

  1. What is a story? How do you write one? What are the components of a story? What is a good story? please take 15 minutes to answer the questions in a separate sheet of paper. We will discuss story telling in a few minutes.
  2. Telling a story as a class. "I found myself walking down the river bank...."
  3. Write your story: You will need to write a story about your winter break. The story will eventually be transfered to an animation using power point. Than we will transfer the story to FLASH. Your story needs to be at least a page. You need to be descriptive and have lots of details.
  4. Review Power Point Animation: Lets see if we remember as a class. Some of you know it really good and some of you dont know it at all. If you dont know it at all, i would suggest that you partnered or seat next to someone who does. You will have a week to complete this project. HAVE FUN!!! HERE WE GOOOO!!!!!